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25. may20 - chemo brain


Went in for a blood test and doctors appointment today. All clear for chemo this week.

At 6:30pm, I had my first midterm since last November. I am currently taking a statistics course so I can have a lighter load in the fall. Pretty thankful that everything is online right now. Not gonna lie, the midterm wasn't easy. Chemo can make your brain foggy and forgetful. Sometimes I lose my train of thought and there is no way to get it back. Lately, I will make a cup of coffee, forget about it, find the cup beside me, and think, "ouu a coffee!" Let's say third year engineering statistics has been slow... I can work at my own pace for the lectures and assignments but being under pressure is different. The harder I think, the more I blank, and the less productive I am. It's also been a while since I've taken a test that isn't in a hospital. Guess getting back to regular life is going to take some adjusting.

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